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Grow and scale your TSP business

The ConnectWise Partner Program was created for MSPs who need go-to-market strategy, marketing, and sales guidance to achieve their most ambitious vision of success.

ConnectWise Partner Program Option

Which level is right for you?


  • Grow at your own pace
  • Sales and marketing assets
  • Educational learning journeys
For ALL partners


  • Everything in Registered plus...
  • Marketing and sales resources
  • Marketing and sales automation platform
  • Marketing Development Funds (MDF)
For ELIGIBLE partners


  • Everything in Emerging plus...
  • Dedicated security expert guidance
For ELIGIBLE partners


  • Everything in Accelerate plus...
  • Multi location support in GlassHive
  • First access to exclusive IT Nation events
For ELIGIBLE partners

Compare levels

Partner levels
Program benefits Registered Emerging Accelerate Strategic
Account Manager
Sales, Marketing, and Training Assets
ConnectWise Certify Fundamentals
Annual Business Plan MDF Co-Investment Up to $1, 250 USD Up to $5, 000 USD Up to $25, 000 USD
Growth MDF Co-Investment 5% ACV 10% ACV 10% ACV
Marketing and Sales Workshops
Sales & Marketing Automation Platform, GlassHive $250 USD/year Waived Waived Waived
Access to Co-Sell Resources
Opportunity Registration
FREE NFRs with your paid subscriptions
Discounted ITN Pass
ConnectWise Certify Advanced
Dedicated Marketing Consultant
GlassHive Multi-Location Marketing Reporting
First Access to Advisory Council
IT Nation Exclusive Invites

Why join



We’ll work to understand your growth goals to create a winning go to market strategy together.

Lead Generation

Our marketing experts will help you launch campaigns, host events, and leverage funding to generate leads.


Partner Development Managers help with lead follow-up throughout the sales funnel to help you win more deals.


Success Stories

Jason Bowra, Senior VP, Managed Services at Secur-Serv, speaks on his relationship with the Partner Program team and how they are a true extension of the business.

David Markley, President at Stronghold Data, touches on how the Partner Program has been able help them with gaining new leads while also helping to increase their internal operational efficiency.

Josh Marenger, VP at DS Tech, speaks on how the resources provided by the Partner Program have helped to grow their business.


Mark Banens, CEO and Owner of Bizitss and Robert Gelsinger, CEO of Secure Network Services answer a few questions about what it’s like to work with the Partner Program team


Michael Bateman, CEO at ZenZero, speaks to how the Partner Program and their relationship with the Partner Program team has helped the business scale their BCDR business.


Arthur Clark, Director of Technology Services at Documation, on why partners should take the “leap of faith” and start taking advantage of Partner Program benefits


Tim Weber, VP Channel Growth at Cyber 74, on his relationship with the Partner Program team and how his marketing concierge and Partner Development Executive are part of his business.

Partners in the program

Than partners not in the program.

Compared to the average TSP.

Than your typical TSP.


Solutions that help Aldridge work on the business, not in the business. Marketing funds for events to meet and convert qualified customers.

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Massive IT

Need to increase client and prospect demand for cybersecurity services and their existing sales and marketing approach needed to evolve to keep pace.

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PivIT Strategy

This start up utilized the true partnership from the ConnectWise Partner Program to grow revenue by 200+% in just eight months.

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Libra ICT

Finding the right solutions and expertise to maximize profitability. Libra ICT utilizes marketing funds to take their event to the next level.

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