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ConnectWise Help Desk Services

Here for you 24/7/365

Hiring, training, certifying, and retaining your own staff diverts valuable resources from the priorities that matter most to your business. With ConnectWise Help Desk Services™, you can provide the consistent, scalable, and high-quality service your customers depend on, at a cost that makes sense for your budget.

Learn about the features of ConnectWise Help Desk Services

Scalable reactive support

With Help Desk, you’ll be on call with your customers 24/7/365. Our level 1 and level 2 technicians will tackle password resets, user account creation, file and folder permissions, mailbox and distribution list creation and more so your team can stay focused on proactive work.

White-label routing and response

With Help Desk, you can quickly and seamlessly add phone, chat, and email support represented through you or your customer’s brand. By white-labeling your support channels, you can boost your brand visibility while strengthening the loyalty of your clients.

Data-driven technician assignment

Inbound, real-time requests and interactions are prioritized. The customer's time zone and their previous interactions are used to route tickets to the same technician whenever possible to build trust and familiarity.

Time is money

See how much time and money you can save outsourcing help desk duties to ConnectWise Help Desk Services. Let our team handle your clients during business hours, after hours and weekends, or 24x7. You're sure to save both time and money with the Help Desk.

Fully staffed help desk techs at your service

Watch a quick overview to see how ConnectWise Help Desk Services deliver scalable tech support and services for your growing TSP.


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