
ConnectWise Acquires Wise-Sync

Transforming payment processing for TSPs through a single, automated platform.

Transforming payment processing for TSPs through a single, automated platform

ConnectWise Acquires Wise-Sync

Streamline the invoice lifecycle from start to finish with seamless payment automation

Empower your customers with a better, fully integrated and seamless payment experience – As the highest rated accounting and payments solution in the ConnectWise Ecosystem, Wise-Sync and Wise-Pay enable you to get paid in a variety of ways without hesitation, while your very own ConnectWise dashboard allows you to keep track of important financial information with an up-to-the-minute glance from wherever you are, whenever you need it.  By streamlining your process with AR automation, you are not only eliminating direct costs by presenting invoices online, but many of the indirect and hidden ones that sneak up on your cash flow. Make payments one less thing your customers must worry about while you get paid faster.

Get Paid Faster, Every Time

According to analysts, 90% of manual invoice processing costs stems from labor. On average, the cost to prepare an invoice can be as high as $11.50 or more per invoice. For a company producing 1000 invoices a month, that is $138,000 per year.  

  • Put an end to chasing payments 
  • Control how you send and receive payments 
  • An end-to-end PCI-compliant solution 
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