IT Nation Evolve peer groups

IT Nation Evolve peer groups are designed to allow you the opportunity to collaborate and communicate with your IT peers. There are peer groups for managed service provider (MSP) owners, sales team members, and service techs.

For owners

As the owner of an MSP, you get caught up in the day-to-day operations and may lose sight of the bigger picture—growing your business. You’ve made it on board but you need a little help initiating launch to get you to the next level. IT Nation Evolve peer groups are a way for you to talk to and learn from those who have been where you are, and know what it takes to lift off and reach new heights.
IT Nation Evolve has a variety of different peer groups designed to fit your schedule and meet your business needs.
A white man wearing a headset looking serious
Business accelerator | Virtual meetings

Stay connected with your IT industry peers in this entry point to our collaborative online community. Busy IT professionals get the peer group experience in a virtual environment without the travel expenses and time away from your business. This is your opportunity to tap into a wealth of knowledge with online meetings to help improve your business, develop leadership, and define a clear picture of where you are today and create a plan of where you’re going tomorrow. We will help you grow to your annual top-line revenue and move to our in-person groups by providing bite-sized content and accountability to help you take your next step.

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Business maturity | In-person meetings

Take your TSP to new heights. Build positive professional relationships and life-long connections at IT Nation Evolve quarterly meetings. These face-to-face peer group meetings offer TSP owners an environment to share ideas and learn best practices for growing their businesses responsibly and profitably. You’ll communicate with peers and participate in in-depth sessions focused on taking every part of your organization to new heights—including topics such as:

  • Leadership and management
  • Sales and marketing
  • Employee relations and HR
  • Accountability
  • Financial understanding
  • And more!
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For sales leaders

Empower your sales team by allowing them to develop meaningful and insightful relationships with experienced sales leadership peers. This is perfect for the sales leaders within your organization.

IT Nation Evolve has semi-annual, face-to-face meetings where your sales team can focus on building critical foundations, including building leadership and management skills, setting and executing on goals, improving business financial principles, and more.

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For service leaders

Strengthen your service team by harnessing the knowledge and insight of experienced service executive peers. This is perfect for Dispatchers, Service Managers, Chief Information Officers, and Chief Technology Officers.

IT Nation Evolve has semi-annual, face-to-face meetings where your service team can focus on building critical foundations, including learning best practices around professional services automation (PSA) and remote monitoring and management (RMM) platforms, comparing standardized metrics in peer groups, exposure to ideas to meet customer needs, and more. At these peer groups, we keep three goals in mind:

  • To ignite transformation deeper within our members’ companies (through business/financial growth) and employees (through personal/professional growth).
  • To develop strong leaders within our members’ companies who deliver great service to their clients and lead their teams well.
  • To foster community amongst service executive peers and their trusted vendor partners.
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Part of this program is charting key behaviors of service executives against the entrepreneurial journey. These key behaviors include:

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Team organization & meetings

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Process documentation & SLAs

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Key performance indicators (KPIs)

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Project management & delivery

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Dispatching best practices

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Client satisfaction scores

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Service gross margin

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Financial understanding

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Automation & remote monitoring

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Meeting with director/owner & personnel reviews

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Leadership plan

For new members

Understand The IT Nation culture, prepare for your first meeting, and leave ready to engage in the programs and offerings available through IT Nation Evolve.
IT Nation Evolve JumpStart Meetings help new members like you cultivate success, contribute more, and maximize your long-term value within The IT Nation. Our unique culture plays a key role in igniting transformation in your life and business. This two-day experience will equip you with the tools you need to succeed in future meetings. All owner's peer groups participate in JumpStart Meetings.

See what JumpStart is all about

For mature owners

You’re not new to running your business and have found success and growth. But, where do you go next? Welcome to your Master Class. We’re offering programs for mature business owners and executive looking to further their growth and education. These programs include:
CFO group

A quarterly face-to-face meeting held during owner’s meeting created for individuals in organizations tasked with financials. The goal of the group is to grow these employees into CFOs by growing their strategic thought processes and help them become better leaders of their teams.

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Mergers & acquisitions group

A quarterly face-to-face meeting created to develop a comprehensive understanding of mergers and acquisitions. This course will cover all major elements of the acquisition process including corporate strategy, valuation, due diligence, financing decisions, transaction structures, integration, emotional impact, lessons learned and much more. It will use case studies and real-world examples to prepare attendees over the course of a year how to evaluate and prepare for a potential transaction. The outcome of this one-year program will be a detailed strategy using M&A for growth, along with checklists, strategies and other tools to enable a successful acquisition.

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Security group

A quarterly peer group meeting created to guide organizations on how to apply the ConnectWise Security technology, expertise, and value to the organization focusing on people, processes, and procedures needed to be successful.

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COO Group

A quarterly peer group that meets to have discussions around the operational understanding of running a MSP.

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