MSP cybersecurity challenges: how to navigate and overcome them

  • Keep your security practice a step ahead of the evolving threat landscape.
  • Understand which software and solutions can help future-proof your security stack.
  • Learn effective strategies to help you combat top cybersecurity challenges and scale your security practice.

How to manage today’s top cybersecurity challenges

Operating a successful security practice requires MSPs to balance the demands of an ever-changing threat landscape with growing customer expectations—not to mention maintaining the resources and technology required to deliver. What’s even trickier is doing this profitably, and at scale.

This guide will provide you with an understanding of the major cybersecurity challenges that can hinder your MSP’s success and profitability. We’ll also discuss the strategies and solutions available to help protect your clients and support business continuity amidst today’s top security threats, giving you an edge on the competition.

Let’s explore the chapters in this guide:

Chapter 1: How MSPs can stay ahead of the cybersecurity threat landscape
Learn about the various types of cybersecurity threats and how to safeguard your organization against cyberattacks.
Chapter 2: 9 cybersecurity strategy mistakes and how to avoid them
Review the most common MSP cybersecurity strategy mistakes and how to optimize your current strategies to deliver better protection and business outcomes.
Chapter 3: The cybersecurity talent shortage: addressing the skills gap
Finding qualified talent with the skills and expertise to address modern cybersecurity challenges can feel like a daunting task. Get tips for combating the IT talent gap.
Chapter 4: How to make MSP cybersecurity profitable
Building a profitable security practice requires effective sales strategies, recurring revenue streams, and customer retention. Make sure your MSP is set up for success.
Chapter 5: Cybersecurity compliance: avoid fines and legal action
Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements can help your clients avoid penalties, reduce the risk of business downtime, and better prepare for emerging threats.
Chapter 6: Managing cybersecurity communications with clients
Proactive and transparent communication with clients and prospects can help MSPs better anticipate security challenges, improve service offerings, and become trusted advisors.
Chapter 7: Effective cybersecurity reporting: guidance for MSPs
Learn how to evolve your cybersecurity reporting through clear communication, compliance alignment, automation, and tailored client reports.
Chapter 8: Scaling cybersecurity business: strategies for growth
Learn how to transform your cybersecurity practice into a scalable, high-growth business with proven tips for expanding revenue, investors, staffing, and more.
Chapter 9: Cybersecurity training to build a savvy workforce
Implementing effective cybersecurity training practices can help increase employee productivity, improve customer service, and give you a competitive edge.
Chapter 10: Finding cybersecurity tools and solutions to overcome challenges
Your cybersecurity strategy and your tech stack must stay a step ahead of the threat landscape to effectively protect your clients—and your reputation.

Supporting your cybersecurity program with ConnectWise

Cybersecurity challenges aren’t going away—they are only getting more complex. Protecting clients against evolving security threats and technological advances requires the right combination of software, talent, and business strategies.

This guide will help prepare your MSP to tackle the most common cybersecurity challenges and arm you with best-in-class strategies and support resources to help your business grow.

ConnectWise knows the threat landscape, which is why we offer purpose-built cybersecurity software and solutions for MSPs looking to uplevel their cybersecurity offerings and deliver superior threat protection. Visit our cybersecurity center for more information on our security solutions and resources for MSPs, or sign up for a live demo today.


Common cybersecurity challenges include keeping up with the changing threat landscape, finding the right tools and talent, and effective incident response.

Cybersecurity challenges continue to evolve with advances in technology, changing threat landscapes, the increased use of IoT devices (Internet of Things, e.g., cell phones, tablets), and remote work environments.

Artificial intelligence-based cybersecurity can help you respond to threats and streamline operations, but it may also present some unique legal and ethical concerns that MSP business owners need to know before investing in AI.