ConnectWise RMM patch management software

Robust patch management software that serves as your first line of cybersecurity defense

Next-generation ConnectWise RMM™  provides powerful patch management software that helps you seamlessly maintain the integrity and performance of IT infrastructures. 

With ConnectWise RMM, MSPs deliver superior service, increase client trust, and prioritize strategic growth over routine maintenance.

4 top benefits of choosing ConnectWise RMM

Safeguard your systems with effective patching

Patching provides critical frontline defenses against cyberthreats and performs integral system maintenance, bolstering the overall security, health, and resilience of computer networks and systems.  

Expand client coverage with automation

Extend your coverage and support more clients with automated Windows and Mac patching from one unified, cloud-based platform. Guarantee devices stay current with the latest updates to reduce risks and optimize performance. 

Gain real-time endpoint visibility and control

With ConnectWise RMM's bird's eye reporting on patching compliance and integrated remote access solution, you can gain peace of mind, make informed decisions, and swiftly connect to devices for a hands-on approach when needed.

Optimize efficiency with expert patch assessment

Our NOC rigorously tests all Windows security updates so your team can apply critical patches without stress or worry. Delegating this tedious task will also free up their time for higher-value projects, preventing staff burnout and streamlining operations.

An IT managed service provider handles a support ticket from the service center via RMM.
See ConnectWise RMM in action

Awarded Channel Program's 2024 Q1 & Q2 Category Leader for RMM, IT Europa's 2024 RMM Product of the Year, and MSP Today’s 2023 Product of the Year, ConnectWise RMM offers unparalleled benefits to companies, transforming their operations and driving success.

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Learn more about ConnectWise RMM features

Tickets, patching, repeat—without intelligent RMM, that’s all techs will ever do instead of high-value work. ConnectWise RMM solves that problem and more.

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Discover patch management best practices

In this comprehensive eBook, we include everything you need to know about setting up a patch management system—and putting your business on the path to success.

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Powered by the revolutionary and AI-enhanced ConnectWise AsioTM platform, ConnectWise RMM provides a market-leading solution with advanced features and capabilities. 

1. Comprehensive compliance insights

Intuitive dashboards and real-time analytics simplify endpoint compliance evaluation and client reporting. Automated patch assessments provide MSPs with a regular inventory of updates while operating system (OS) patch compliance scores for each device give a complete compliance overview.

2. OS-level patch management

Ensure optimal security and performance across your entire infrastructure via OS-level patching and updates for all systems and devices managed by MSPs—including workstations, servers, and devices running Microsoft Windows or macOS.

3. Seamless integration capabilities

ConnectWise RMM patching supports multiple third-party solutions—including Adobe Acrobat Reader, Audacity, Ccleaner, Dropbox, Notepad++, Slack, Zoom, and more—delivering centralized visibility into compliance across tenants and devices via its unified interface. 

4. Customizable update management

Classify updates and set deployment preferences to maximize control and compliance. Opt to deploy all, never deploy, or only deploy those updates approved by you or our ConnectWise network operations center (NOC).  

5. NOC-assessed patch assurance

ConnectWise’s NOC team extensively tests all security updates before deployment to minimize disruptions and risks, granting peace of mind.  ConnectWise RMM partners have access to monthly patch rollup testing reports where our NOC experts consolidate their findings and recommendations based on extensive testing.

6. Managed server patching service

Offload patch management for your clients’ servers to the ConnectWise NOC. Let our experts test, deploy, and even remediate failed server patches for you 24/7/365.

Patch management refers to managing updates for software applications and systems. It includes identifying, obtaining, installing, and verifying patches to fix security vulnerabilities and improve system functionality.

Patch management accounts for some of an MSP’s most essential responsibilities to its customers. Without it, systems become vulnerable to security breaches, performance issues, and downtime. Regular patching helps prevent these problems so your clients’ operations run smoothly and securely. 

Neglecting patch management often leads to:

On the other hand, a robust patch management process offers these benefits:

  • Reduced security risks
  • Improved device performance
  • Reduced downtime
  • Increased efficiency
  • Happier clients
  • Fewer tickets

Patch management tools can require significant time and resources, from compatibility and regulatory issues to keeping up with new releases and testing. ConnectWise RMM is built on the revolutionary Asio platform and eliminates these challenges by offering robust and easy-to-use OS and third-party patching solutions for workstations and servers.

Let the ConnectWise NOC team handle security update assessments so you can deploy crucial security updates quickly and confidently. Or, offload critical client-server patch assessment, approval, deployment, and even remediation entirely to our NOC experts and focus on growth with your reclaimed bandwidth! 

To learn more, book a demo with ConnectWise today.