ConnectWise Business Management packages

Find the right set of solutions to simplify, manage, and grow your business

What are your business goals?

Every MSP business runs differently depending on your goals, region, maturity level, and more. ConnectWise Business Management packages include three options— Essentials, Pro, and Premium— so you can get the right set of solutions to solve your specific business challenges.


Improve Cashflow

Improve internal communication

Improve automation

Access essential Information in one place


Everything in Essentials plus...

Shorten your sales cycle

Streamline procurement

Generate detailed reports to share internally and with customers

Manage procurement and inventory


Everything in Pro plus...

Enhance customer experience

Centralize IT documentation

Improve financial controls

Follow best-in-class practices

Track customer loyalty with NPS


Compare all ConnectWise Business Management Packages

This package includes...
Sales Opportunity Management
Service Ticket Management
Project Management
Workflow Automation
Procurement and Inventory
Billing Management
Payment Processing
GL Integration
ConnectWise Sidekick for PSA
ConnectWise RPA Starter
BrightGauge Enterprise
Everything in Essentials and...
Integrated Chat Feature
Change Approvals
User-Based Billing
Office 365 Billing, Monitoring + Management
CPQ Premium

Talk to an expert about your options