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For Techtonics of Wellington, ConnectWise brought a single source of truth


Techtonics Group Limited, based in Wellington, New Zealand, is an IT company that caters to two market streams: infrastructure services and enterprise content management. Infrastructure services encompasses the broadspectrum IT services most are familiar with. Enterprise content management, on the other hand, specialises in information management consulting, implementation and support. Graham Wilson, Professional Services Manager at Techtonics Group Limited, is a member of that Senior Management team that sits across both of these streams. ‘I’m in charge of the delivery arm of the business and I’m looking to grow the business,’ says Wilson. ‘I’m looking to build something. We take a very long-term view of the work that we do, so it’s not just about the implementation of a product, it’s about how that product facilitates what the clients goals are, and how we can take them on that journey.’

One New Zealand company recognised that delivering continuously improving and relevant services to clients required consolidating existing systems and platforms to form one cohesive, functional unit.
After partnering with ConnectWise, life was easier, with everything under one technological roof.
The administrative burden was lifted for the IT company, meaning information was going to and coming from one source, making it easier on everyone.

Bringing it all together

'I find the support from ConnectWise to be very good. I tend to use the chat function if I have a question. It’s extremely useful just to click that button at the top of the page and within seconds you have assistance from someone.'

– GRAHAM WILSON, Professional Services Manager, Techtonics Group Limited

That business growth would be difficult to obtain unless processes changed for Techtonics. ‘Before we had ConnectWise, we had several different tools that we used to perform some of the functions that ConnectWise now performs for us,’ says Wilson. ‘I originally came across ConnectWise because we were going through the process of selecting a professional services automation tool.

We looked at a number of different tools based on our requirements, and we adopted ConnectWise because we felt it met those requirements the best.’ Wilson and his team recognised that they needed a tool that would work for them and reduce the amount of administration in the day to day running of operations. ‘Before, we had a number of disparate systems. We had agreements running from various spreadsheets. What ConnectWise allowed us to do was bring that information together into one place,’ Wilson adds. ‘It gave us a single source of truth.’

Easing the burden

For Techtonics, it was like night and day after partnering with ConnectWise. ‘ConnectWise Manage®, for us, not only consolidated the different systems that we used previously, it also gave us a number of other features that are vital to how we wanted to grow our business,’ Wilson says. ‘What I like about it is our ability to construct complex agreements, and for that to be automated so we don’t have this huge administrative burden that we had previously to try to manage the terms of these agreements.’

For Wilson’s team, keeping track of them was a challenge for many reasons. ‘Some of the agreements can be quite complex and some of them are quite old, so what you tend to find is that depending on who created the agreement, or when it was signed, or which customer it was for, the terms can be very different.’ Thankfully, ConnectWise eased their burden immensely. ‘What ConnectWise allows us to do is to automate all of those terms within the system, so we don’t have to worry too much about managing the administration, we can just get on with the job of delivering the value.’

Another happy addition

Happy with ConnectWise Manage, Wilson and his team at Techtonics are looking to add another to the family. ‘We’re now looking to implement ConnectWise Automate® because it integrates extremely well with the systems that we already have.’ Wilson explains that whilst they currently have a remote monitoring and management solution, they’re not confident in its abilities to do what they want it to. ‘It’s not going to give us the ability to drive the efficiencies and automation that we need to, so we’re in the process of adopting ConnectWise Automate as our primary RMM platform.’

Very First IT Nation

Not too long ago, Wilson was given the opportunity to represent Techtonics at IT Nation. As he was coming from New Zealand, it was a very big deal indeed. ‘It has been a big commitment for us, and one that we’re happy to make,’ he says. ‘I’ve got a lot out of talking to the people that are here about how they run their businesses. I think that it really ties in with what Arnie Bellini was talking about regarding the sharing of information and how it benefits the community as a whole.’ Wilson goes on to say, ‘I’ve really taken that to heart and certainly had a lot of conversations so far with a lot of different people in a lot of different areas of businesses. I’ve made a lot of good connections, and certainly connections that I very much hope to continue to have in the future.’

Get to know the ConnectWise solutions

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ConnectWise Automate™
RMM software & IT automation
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ConnectWise PSA™
Professional services automation software
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ConnectWise ScreenConnect™
Remote control support & access
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ConnectWise CPQ™
Quote & proposal automation software
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ConnectWise Identify Assessment
Supports productive cybersecurity client conversations with a repeatable and affordable subscription-based risk profile evaluation service.
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