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Winning PitchIT put them on the big stage. ConnectWise put them on the map.


AlertOps is the leading digital operations management and collaboration platform. The world’s largest corporations choose AlertOps to solve their toughest collaboration and real-time communication challenges to protect business-critical services. The AlertOps Platform empowers the enterprise by taking the guesswork out of critical incident management with industry-leading response automation and incident alert management technology that delivers faster responsiveness, reduced downtime, improved operational efficiency and a better customer experience.

Launching into the MSP space as an SasS-based solution in a saturated marketplace created a challenge for Illinois-based AlertOps. Although thriving organically, AlertOps required a partnership that would elevate its brand position and consideration for sales prospects.
AlertOps joined the ConnectWise Invent program. The program gave them the certification, credibility and visibility they needed to receive the consideration of prospective customers actively seeking integrated solutions in the ConnectWise Marketplace. In addition to their Invent journey, AlertOps became aware of the PitchIT competition - a unique opportunity, not only to receive best-in-class industry education about the MSP community and how best to package its value proposition but also to take the big stage at IT Nation Connect (Orlando, FL) - the annual ConnectWise flagship event.
After winning the PitchIT competition, AlertOps is reveling in the success that comes from increased brand awareness and interest in their solution. They’ve grown net-new in clients, seen an increase in demo requests and have realized significant topline growth.

“The last 12 months have been transformative. People know us now. We are no
longer just another vendor. We are a trusted partner of ConnectWise. That
message resonates with more levity and has been more fruitful for us when talking to prospective customers.”

“Because we wanted flawless integration with ConnectWise PSA, we only look for solutions that need deep integration on the ConnectWise Marketplace. We need needed a solution to handled after hours alerting AlertOps filled the need.”

Established in 2015, IL-based AlertOps is a SaaS-based, alerting & real-time platform that helps ITOps, DevOps, SecOps, HybridOps, BusinessOps, IndustrialOps and Support teams respond to business-critical incidents better and faster. Simply put: they give you peace of mind, deliver maximum uptime for your business and allow you to scale with the flexibility and fluidity that is required to stay competitive in today’s marketplace.

Kam Srikanth, Head of Customer Experience, knows the power of the AlertOps platform. Having been with the organization since its beginnings, he witnessed the growth and hears first-hand what customers are experiencing. More importantly, he hears about how AlertOps is redefining their business processes.

“We give your organizaation the ability to work without disruption by ensuring 99.99% uptime. Our solution is built in redundancies, constant backups, and contingencies for alert delivery within SLA, so you never need to worry about missed alerts.”

Investing in the Invent Program

ConnectWise Invent is a unique program combining readiness, support, certification, and awareness for Solutions Partners. Through the the program, the Partner community can take advantage of a dedicated developer network and reach MSPs seeking soutions with ConnectWise integrations.

“Sean (Lardo), Andrea (Barrow) and Louie (Cocchiola) have been instrumental for us. They are always accessible! We see them as trusted advisors and guides for us as we navigate the MSP landscape. Their knowledge and support are invaluable. Their unwavering commitment to our success is unrivaled.”

The ConnectWise Invent program was a gateway into a deeper partnership with ConnectWise and an opportunity to reach their target audience.

“The Invent program experience is incredible. Whether it be the seamless on-boarding or where we are today, ConnectWise has been a reliable partner at every stage. They are invested in shaping our success; and it’s obvious they want us to succeed.”

ConnectWise Invent partners go through a rigorous process to obtain certfication. Every certified integration has been reviewed and approved by the ConnectWise team and is built to industry best practices and has passed a security reviewed. Certifed inegrations are fully supported by the ConnectWise team.

“The Invent program gave us a relevant platform and a voice to get our message out,” says Srikanth.

AlertOps, and all other certified Invent partners, are included in various partner communications, are offered opportunities to participate in webinars and positioned as a featured solution on the ConnectWise marketplace.

“As a certified Invent partner, we receive prominent placement in the Marketplace. With that, prospective customer inherently trust our solution since our solution has received the ConnectWise stamp of approval.”

The Invent program is fluid, never stagnent and it constantly offers its Partners opportunities to get in front of MSPs. For AlertOps, the program is the investment in the hollistic portfolio that is paying dividends.

“We are always reinvesting with ConnectWise. Whether that be sponsorship at events like IT Nation or speaking engagements at User Groups. We make the most of our opportunities to demo the platform and share our value proposition and it is paying us back tenfold.”

For anyone considering the Invent program, Kam has this advice: “The Invent program is built to reward the certified vendors. If you aren’t a ConnectWise certified partner, you are missing out - on visibility, on market intelligence, on community support and on increased revenue.”

The hot lights of the PitchIT stage

While Invent may have been the foundation for a AlertOps and ConnectWise partnership, PitchIT put them on a path for a meteoric rise.

Kam recalls jumping into PitchIT with eyes wide open. There were weeks of coursework ahead and an intense commitment to learn the venacular of the MSP world.

“To be honest, I didn’t know what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised at the intensity and detail about the industry knowledge that was shared related to MSP challenges. Our solution is top notch, but how we tell that story and learning to engage with MSPs was the missing piece. The PitchIt team unlocked that for us.”

AlertOps was able to refined their “sales pitch” to MSPs into a succinct 5-minute, compelling presentation. The presentation was crafted, curated and rehearsed over several months; and delivered live on stage at IT Nation Connect, the annual ConnectWise flagship event.

“The PitchIT coaches really made a difference. They worked with us on the content, but also our delivery, pace and inflection. It gave us the confidence to present on stage in a unique sales environment.”

As a result of months of preparation and a flawless pitch, AlertOps took home the title - winning PitchIT and $70,000 in prize money. AlertOps used their winnings to raise brand awareness, build reputation; and to connect with ConnectWise.

“The last 12 months have been transformative. People know us now. We are no longer just another vendor. We are a trusted partner of ConnectWise. That message resonates with more levity and has been more fruitful for us when talking to prospective customers.”

The proof is in the numbers. AlertOps has realized an increase demos, net-new customers and profitability. One of those new customers, David Stinner, President, US itek, shared his experience with AlertOps.

“AlertOps fills a gap for us - after hours support without additional headcount. We needed a certified, reliable and integrated solution (for ConnectWise PSA). We shopped the Marketplace and it was so easy to find them.”

According to Stinner, the integration process was seamless. He praises the solution for what it delivers for him.

“Because we wanted flawless integration with ConnectWise PSA, we only look for solutions that need deep integration on the ConnectWise Marketplace. We need needed a solution to handled after hours alerting AlertOps filled the need.”

He adds that the impact to the workday has lessened over time and it’s made a significant difference for him and his team.

“It’s not disruptive to the work day. It filters out the urgent vs. non-urgent alerts overnight. It saves me overtime expenses. The solution just works. I never hear about any issues and that gives me peace of mind.”

Peace of mind. Now, there’s something we can’t put a price tag on. Interested in finding out what AlertOps can do for you? Check them out here: https://alertops.com.