Are managed services the right move for your business?

There’s no question that managed services are trending in the value-added reseller (VAR) space. And overall, there’s a compelling business case for it: recurring revenue. But while managed services may be a profit center for one company, they can be a cost center for another. This eBook breaks down the pros and cons of adding managed services to your repertoire—and can help you determine whether or not it’s the right move for your VAR.

The brief eBook covers the following topics:

  • Why Offer Managed Services?: Discover the top five reasons why you should consider offering managed services to your clients. 
  • What’s the Secret to Profitability?: In other words: What distinguishes the successes from the losses? Learn how you can best make managed services work for you—and tips for easing the transition. 
  • How Do You Measure Success?: Discover the key performance indicators (KPIs) to lean on while measuring your managed service success—and leverage them to sustain long-term profitability.


Determine whether managed services are right for you