
ConnectWise Unveils Reimagined ConnectWise Marketplace

Elevating the MSP Experience with Significant Enhancements

Tampa, Fla., September 4, 2024 — ConnectWise, the leading software company dedicated to the success of managed service providers (MSPs), is thrilled to announce the launch of the revamped ConnectWise Marketplace™, making it easier to learn about and access a wide range of solutions developed by certified and open integrators across all phases of the MSP business lifecycle.

With the new unified interface, MSPs can now seamlessly navigate the ConnectWise Marketplace via marketplace.connectwise.com. The visually enhanced and standardized design, in line with the new connectwise.com, offers a more fluid and intuitive user experience.

The ConnectWise Marketplace exemplifies an open ecosystem that provides flexibility, seamless integration, scalability, collaboration, and a partner-centric approach for MSPs worldwide. Here are some key aspects of the ConnectWise ecosystem:  

ConnectWise is committed to an open ecosystem. At the core of ConnectWise's values is the support for an open ecosystem that empowers MSPs with the power of choice, fostering innovation and competition within the industry. The ecosystem boasts open APIs with a catalog marketplace that includes integrations from over 400 vendors, including ConnectWise Invent™-certified integrations, that are security reviewed and approved by ConnectWise.

Adopting the platform approach with ConnectWise Asio. The Asio platform is the only modern, scalable, and secure cloud-based platform purpose-built for MSPs in the industry. ConnectWise's commitment to innovation and its MSP community is evident in its latest developments. The enhanced marketplace and the revolutionary Asio platform are set to transform the way MSPs and third-party integrators operate, providing the community with the right tools and flexibility needed to succeed in a rapidly evolving industry.

A unified marketplace experience. The ConnectWise Marketplace has long been a hub for MSPs to find a wide range of trusted solutions. With the introduction of the new marketplace website, users will enjoy a more fluid and intuitive experience, featuring new and trending products, as well as verified reviews.

Looking toward the future, ConnectWise has exciting plans to further enhance the integration experience by fully leveraging the ConnectWise Asio platform.  The extensibility functionality of Asio supports and encourages third-party vendor inclusion by sharing one data layer between ConnectWise products and third-party apps. It unlocks cross-platform AI capabilities, hyperautomation, and insights that are impossible when patching together numerous point solutions. 

"We are thrilled to introduce the enhanced unified experience for ConnectWise Marketplace," said Chris Timms, SVP and GM of Ecosystems at ConnectWise. "Our goal is to empower MSPs worldwide by providing them with access to certified and integrated solutions that drive their businesses forward. With this significant update to the marketplace and the open ecosystem, we are confident that MSPs will find even greater value in their partnership journey with ConnectWise."


About ConnectWise Invent (Certified Integrations Program)

The ConnectWise Invent program offers vendors the opportunity to collaborate with ConnectWise experts to scope, develop, secure, and certify their integrations, providing MSPs with peace of mind and full integration support. To learn more and to enroll in the Invent program as a third-party integrator, contact Invent@ConnectWise.com.  

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About ConnectWise:
ConnectWise is the world's leading software company dedicated to the success of IT solution providers (TSPs) through unmatched software, services, community, and marketplace of integrations. ConnectWise offers an innovative, integrated, and security-centric platform—Asio™—which provides unmatched flexibility that fuels profitable, long-term growth for partners. ConnectWise enables TSPs to drive business efficiency with automation, IT documentation, and data management capabilities and increase revenue with remote monitoring, cybersecurity, and backup and disaster recovery technologies. For more information, visit connectwise.com.