5 game-changing ConnectWise Automate features

| By:
Brett Cheloff

We’ve all seen these commercials time and again: 9 out of 10 dentists choose this whitening toothpaste…or, 4 out of 5 choosy moms picked this kids snack…and so on. You could apply this technique to almost any product or service, but what does that really mean for you?

Here’s a better question: who are these mystery moms, dentists, doctors and other professionals vetting the products and services? Do you any of them personally? Maybe, but most likely not. So what happens when you’re presented with numerical stats about a product or service you’ve never tried?

Let’s test it out. What if I told you ConnectWise Automate®'s (formerly LabTech) remote monitoring and management (RMM) solution is the platform of choice by more than 5,000 IT service providers? Is your curiosity piqued, or are you asking the same questions you were about the toothpaste commercial (who are these 5,000 people and why should I care)?

Instead of leaving you hanging with a catchy jingle or an order now! 1-800 number, here are the answers to those 2 questions. Who are ConnectWise Automate partners? They are entrepreneurs, one-man operations, and internal IT managers that want to run their operations at maximum efficiency.

To answer the second question (what do I get out of this?), check out the top 5 partner-vetted features designed make life easier, right out of the box, for anyone in any of the positions mentioned above.

1. Discover devices

Lack of visibility into a supported environment is a familiar situation for most TSPs. Knowing what systems are on the network, and which users are a part of the ecosystem, is imperative to properly manage all of those users and the systems. And knowing is just half the battle. With ConnectWise Automate's network probe, you’ll know what’s out there so management of devices and contacts can be coordinated in the most efficient manner possible.

2. Manage discovered devices

Once devices have been discovered, ConnectWise Automate can automatically deploy an agent to the device to allow for additional managed services like lightning-fast remote access, system troubleshooting, software distribution, and patch management.

3. Monitor for problems

Comprehensive monitoring of endpoints could mean the difference between offering proactive versus reactive support. ConnectWise Automate's Ignite™ helps IT professional get started quickly with out of the box, best practice monitors and alerting for desktops and servers, networked devices, and virtualized hardware.

4. Automate tasks and fixes

Stop putting out IT fires and start preventing them by automating redundant tasks. With over 400 out of the box scripts, incorporating automation is easy for items like maintenance, software installation, system management, and more.

5. Integrate with other IT applications

We believe in choice when it comes to third-party solutions. So, we work with many strategic alliances to create seamless integration options to empower partners with the ability to choose the solutions they prefer.

If ConnectWise Automate had a jingle, you might expect to hear it now, heralding the end of this textual commercial-but we aren’t done yet! Explore more reasons why real TSPs you already know choose ConnectWise Automate to help maximize business success.