Passing the torch: A new leader for the next era of ConnectWise growth

| By:
Jason Magee

Leading ConnectWise for the past five years has been the opportunity of a lifetime, and I am incredibly proud of the journey we’ve taken together. We’ve faced challenges, seized opportunities, and delivered innovative solutions that have redefined what’s possible for managed service providers (MSPs) and the businesses they serve. Together, we’ve strengthened our position as an industry leader, expanded into key markets like cybersecurity and data protection, and created solutions that continue to empower MSPs around the world. 

A Legacy of Innovation and Growth 

During my tenure, we made significant strides in developing the ConnectWise Asio™ platform, our next-generation MSP platform that offers unparalleled scale, automation, and security. With the integration of ConnectWise Sidekick and robotic process automation (RPA), we’ve built tools that streamline MSP operations and help them deliver exceptional value to their clients. Similarly, the launch of ConnectWise Security360™ and our strategic acquisitions—including Continuum, SmileBack, Axcient, and SkyKick—further solidified our commitment to providing comprehensive, secure solutions. 

One of my greatest sources of pride is the community we’ve fostered through IT Nation. This network of MSPs is more than a user base; it’s a collaborative force that shares, learns, and grows together. The partnerships we’ve built are the bedrock of our success, and I am grateful for the trust and loyalty our partners have shown throughout this journey. 

A Personal Reflection 

As I reflect on the last five years, I’m most proud of how we’ve grown together—not just as a company, but as a community. The collaboration with our partners has been integral to everything we’ve achieved, and our accomplishments are a testament to that shared commitment. The relationships we’ve built and the innovations we’ve delivered have prepared us for an even brighter future, and I am excited about what lies ahead for ConnectWise. 

Welcoming Manny Rivelo: The Future of ConnectWise 

I am confident that ConnectWise is in excellent hands with Manny Rivelo as the new CEO. Manny and I have worked closely during this transition, and his leadership and vision are aligned with our goals. With over 30 years of experience in the technology and cybersecurity sectors, Manny’s expertise in leadership, product management, and customer success will take ConnectWise to new heights. His hands-on approach to problem-solving and his deep understanding of the MSP industry make him the right leader for the future. 

Continuity and Growth 

Manny and I share a vision for ConnectWise’s continued innovation and growth. Under his leadership, you can expect ConnectWise to remain committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions, driving innovation, and empowering MSPs to thrive in an ever-changing landscape. The values we’ve championed—collaboration, innovation, and a relentless focus on our partners—will continue to guide ConnectWise as it embarks on this next chapter. 

Join Us at IT Nation Connect 

I invite all of our partners to join us at IT Nation Connect, where we will celebrate our shared successes and reflect on the journey we’ve taken together. This event is not only a chance to look back on our accomplishments, but also an opportunity to look forward to the exciting future ahead with Manny at the helm. I’m looking forward to seeing many of you there as we mark this important milestone in ConnectWise’s history. 

Thank you for your support and trust over the years—it’s been an honor to serve as your CEO, and I am excited to see where Manny and the ConnectWise team will take us next.