IT asset lifecycle management: definition, stages, and more

| By:
Topher Barrow

IT assets are the machinery that powers the daily operations of your clients, driving productivity, efficiency, and innovation. They are a modern enabler of business success, from servers hosting mission-critical datasets to networks seamlessly connecting teams. 

IT asset lifecycle management is vital as it drives success for clients and serves as part of the core of MSP service offerings. With strategic planning and adaptable technology, you can gain an edge and avoid the issues that come with outdated technology. For your business, lifecycle management enhances service delivery, fostering client trust and establishing you as valuable technology partners for them. It opens avenues for value-added services, uncovers hidden efficiencies, and maximizes returns on investment. In addition, the stronger your IT asset lifecycle strategy, the easier it is for you to scale up your business and service more and more client assets.

To begin, we’ll define what the IT asset lifecycle is, and look in detail at each of the major stages that make up the lifecycle. Additionally, the article will highlight some of the main benefits of IT asset lifecycle management, and best practices you should adopt. 

What is the IT asset lifecycle?

The IT asset lifecycle is the various stages an asset goes through, starting with planning and ending with disposal, encompassing its complete lifespan. It is a systematic approach that ensures the efficient and effective management of your client’s IT assets — both hardware and software.

IT asset lifecycle management is a proven approach to ensure your customers benefit from successful services and customer satisfaction. It helps customers to get maximum value from their technology investments by monitoring all assets and servicing them or replacing them as they move through each lifecycle stage. As well as assisting clients in optimizing costs and IT investments, IT asset lifecycle management enables you to provide consistent and reliable services, enhanced security and compliance, and scalability.

Stages of the IT asset lifecycle

Below, we look at the major stages, what happens during each phase, and how following IT asset management best practices can help support your clients.  


Planning sets the foundation for effective and strategic management of IT assets. Comprehensive planning and assessment take place to determine the organization's IT requirements and align them with business goals. This involves evaluating current assets, identifying gaps, and defining a roadmap for asset acquisition and management. Planning is critical for organizations to understand their technology needs, anticipate future growth, and make informed decisions about acquiring new assets. 

MSPs support clients during this stage, bringing invaluable industry knowledge and guiding customers through planning. You can help clients assess existing assets, identify gaps or inefficiencies, and determine the most suitable solutions to meet their needs. Insight into emerging technologies and industry trends will also help your clients to make informed decisions. You can also show your value by leveraging vendor relationships to negotiate contracts and obtain the best pricing for asset procurement. 


The acquisition stage of the IT asset lifecycle is crucial for clients to build a tech stack that aligns with their business needs. Organizations must make critical decisions on vendors, products, contracts, and procurement. The acquisition stage is an opportunity for your clients to strategically invest in technology resources to support daily operations, drive growth, and add assets that support existing infrastructure. 

You should offer clients expertise and industry knowledge to help them evaluate vendors, compare products, and make informed decisions. MSPs can streamline the procurement process, ensuring timely delivery and recommending asset configurations and compatibility. You might also offer value-added services like asset tagging and documentation to facilitate efficient asset management. MSP support in this stage ensures that your clients acquire the right IT assets and optimize their procurement processes.


The use stage is the active utilization and ongoing maintenance of IT assets within an organization. Organizations put their IT assets into operation and rely on them to support their daily business operations and achieve their objectives. IT assets are commonly used to perform monitoring, performance optimization, maintenance, and support tasks.

During this stage of the IT asset lifecycle, you are expected to provide ongoing monitoring, maintenance, and support services to ensure IT assets' optimal performance and reliability. Adopting a proactive approach will help you identify potential problems, resolve them promptly, and minimize any downtime or disruptions for your clients. 

MSPs offer proactive maintenance and patching services, ensuring that assets remain secure and up to date with the latest software and security patches. Additional services like help desks, troubleshooting, and disaster recovery address any user issues or concerns related to IT assets.


During the maintenance stage of the IT asset lifecycle, regular upkeep optimizes asset functionality, addresses any issues or vulnerabilities, and ensures assets continue to meet business requirements. Regular maintenance also includes proactive measures to enhance security, such as applying security patches and conducting vulnerability assessments to protect against potential threats.

In the maintenance phase, you should support clients with comprehensive maintenance services, leveraging expertise and specialized tools to ensure the smooth operation of IT assets. MSPs should monitor proactively, track asset performance, and identify potential issues before they escalate into major problems for your clients. Finding automation opportunities is also a good idea to help make sure that key maintenance tasks don’t get ignored. Check out our webinar, 7 Key Steps to Automate Patch Management, for tips on how to get ahead of routine maintenance and updates.


During the disposal stage of IT asset management, clients engage in crucial activities such as data wiping, data destruction, asset decommissioning, and environmentally-friendly disposal methods. This is essential for safeguarding sensitive data, complying with data privacy and environmental regulations, and maintaining a solid reputation. 

Properly disposing of assets and following secure practices mitigate the risk of data breaches or unauthorized access to sensitive information. This protects intellectual property, customer data, and proprietary information. 

MSPs should offer expertise in data wiping, secure data destruction, and asset decommissioning, ensuring that sensitive information is appropriately handled and eliminated from retired assets. You can help clients by adhering to industry best practices and data privacy regulations to protect client data, manage logistics and documentation, and offer reporting and certification to meet compliance requirements. 

Benefits of IT asset lifecycle management

IT asset lifecycle management offers several benefits to MSP clients, including the following:

  • Optimal performance and reliability: Effectively managing IT lifecycles enables you to find and address issues in your clients' technology infrastructure. This approach helps to minimize downtime and disruption caused by technology problems and facilitates operational efficiencies and productivity. 
  • Cost optimization: By strategically planning the acquisition, use, maintenance, and disposal of IT assets, clients can make informed decisions aligned with budgetary and operational goals. A thorough lifecycle plan means avoiding unnecessary spending on outdated or underutilized assets and instead investing in high-value technologies.
  • Security and risk management: IT asset lifecycle management empowers clients to implement robust security measures throughout the lifecycle of assets, including the timely application of patches and updates, adherence to compliance requirements, and secure disposal of retired assets. This helps protect sensitive data, mitigate the risk of data breaches, and ensure regulatory compliance.
  • Flexibility and scalability: Clients can strategically plan by assessing asset needs, identifying gaps, and making informed decisions about technology upgrades or replacements. This enables them to stay agile and adapt to changing market demands while maximizing the value of their IT investments.
  • Plan technology upgrades and replacements: By effectively managing the lifecycle of IT assets, you can assess the performance, functionality, and relevance of your clients’ existing technologies. This helps to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement, allowing for informed decisions on when and how to upgrade or replace technology components. 

Incorporating IT asset lifecycle management into your product offerings enables you to deliver comprehensive solutions that address not only immediate IT needs but also your clients' long-term goals and requirements. By offering these benefits, you can develop stronger relationships with your clients, drive operational excellence, and position themselves as indispensable partners. 

RMM: an essential part of IT lifecycle management

When it comes to IT asset lifecycle management for MSPs and your clients, not all solutions are created equal. If you’re looking for a starting point to build your IT asset lifecycle tech stack, there’s one option that stands out: Remote monitoring and management (RMM).

When you have dozens (or even hundreds) of IT assets to manage, effective IT asset lifecycle management may seem easier said than done. This is where RMM software can be a game changer. Let’s say you’re managing a fleet of computers. The RMM platform can track important information like health, performance, software licenses, and warranties all in one place, providing a centralized view of each asset’s lifecycle at any given time.

Here’s a closer look at how RMM can assist with IT asset lifecycle management:

  • Asset discovery: Many RMM solutions have a network probe or scanning tool, allowing them to proactively recognize the assets on a network and take inventory of said assets within the application. Once complete, the information can be sent to an integrated PSA (professional service automation) system for ongoing lifecycle management.
  • Automated billing and invoicing: Once RMM has taken inventory of the asset,  the software/hardware details can be synced to your PSA software to provide ease of access to information from a single page of glass, offer ease or reconciliation for your finance team, and automate the recurring agreement/contract billing to your client. Even as asset counts increase and decrease, this combination ensures you're always providing accurate invoices to your customers.
  • Health/Performance monitoring: An intelligent RMM solution can provide ongoing proactive monitoring of the asset to ensure it is performing as intended. If an asset falls below performance standards, it can be converted to an alert for automatic remediation or trigger a notification to the MSP for further action. This seamless monitoring and automation leads to better performance and an all around better user experience. 
  • Standards and health: A good RMM solution should enable automated health checks to determine system health used in reporting, helping to identify failing devices on your client's network. Establishing definable standards and automating processes around IT asset lifecycle management can help keep your customers at peak performance. Along with this, it’s important to ensure you’re adequately updating any assets that fall below you and your client’s desired level of performance.
  • Service ticket tracking: An integrated RMM and PSA solution can provide MSPs visibility into the service history of each device, allowing you to run reports on the details of the asset, such as manufacturer and device type. This can help you make educated decisions on which assets work best for your clients. Not to mention, you can research historical tickets to expedite the resolutions to new tickets as they occur.
  • Renewals: RMM solutions can detail the warranty expiration date, information that can then sync to your PSA solution. This date can then be proactively monitored to initiate a sales cycle. When coupled with the tracking, workflow rules, and automation a PSA suite provides, you can almost fully automate the renewal process of an asset.

Managing IT assets at scale is no easy task, and MSPs must embrace intelligent tools and automation solutions to stay ahead of the competition. With ConnectWise RMM, you can manage your tech stack with ease through a single intuitive interface, while leveraging automation to increase efficiency and reduce risk. And further integration with PSA software can streamline your end-to-end IT lifecycle management, helping keep your customers’ assets at peak performance.

Get hands-on with an on-demand demo of our RMM solution today and learn how RMM can uplevel your tech stack.


Yes. Despite having smaller-scale resources and operations, effective IT asset lifecycle management is still an important consideration for small businesses that want to manage their technology assets effectively. By implementing IT asset lifecycle management, small businesses can still achieve cost optimizations, improved efficiency, scalability, flexibility, and data security and compliance standards.

IT asset lifecycle management principles remain consistent regardless of the type of IT asset. The specific processes and considerations may vary depending on the nature of the asset, but the overall goal is to optimize the value, performance, and lifespan of each asset while managing associated risks and costs.

IT asset lifecycle management enables you to implement a proactive and holistic approach to cybersecurity. By addressing vulnerabilities, maintaining an accurate inventory, controlling access, securely disposing of assets, and implementing robust monitoring and incident response capabilities, you can significantly reduce the risk of cyberattacks and enhance overall security posture for your clients.

Asset management compliance is necessary to manage assets under industry standards, which is why businesses of all sizes adopt the approach to achieve regulatory compliance. IT asset management helps companies to adhere to standards such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which require user data to be protected. 

IT asset lifecycle management improves the accuracy of asset inventory records. You can maintain a more precise and up-to-date inventory by implementing proper processes and practices throughout the lifecycle of IT assets. This includes recording asset acquisitions, deployments, modifications, maintenance activities, and retirements. With IT asset lifecycle management, you can track assets more effectively, identify discrepancies, and reconcile inventory records.