
IT Nation Introduces 2024 Awards Program: IT Nation Torch Awards

TAMPA, Fla. - (September 19, 2024)IT Nation, a global community of peers, thought leaders, and experts dedicated to elevating the IT ecosystem to new heights, has announced the 2024 IT Nation awards program, which aims to celebrate and honor outstanding individuals, organizations, and media professionals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication, innovation, and commitment within the IT channel community. 

Below are the 2024 Award Opportunities: 
Partner Excellence Award. IT Nation will honor an individual who has consistently gone above and beyond, leaving an indelible mark on the IT Nation and its broad community. This partner embraces the “Go Giver” philosophy and understands that by creating value for all, we can fulfill our mission of “Wise together, Rise together”. 

Community of the Year Award. There are so many amazing communities in the IT Channel ecosystem dedicated to the success of MSPs. IT Nation will celebrate an exceptional community that has demonstrated outstanding collaboration, engagement, and support for its members as well as other communities through knowledge-sharing, networking, and professional growth.

Evolve Partner of the Year Award. Each year, IT Nation recognizes exceptional members of our IT Nation Evolve Peer Groups. One partner from each region (North America, EMEA and APAC) will be selected based upon exceptional demonstrated growth, innovation, and commitment to excellence through leadership.  
The PitchIT 2024 Champion Award. The 6th annual PitchIT award will also be part of the IT Nation Torch Awards, which recognizes innovators who have showcased offerings that can be seamlessly built or integrated into the ConnectWise ecosystem. This startup incubation competition serves as a catalyst for driving innovation and fostering collaboration between ConnectWise and its partners, enhancing the efficiency, profitability, and security of the IT Nation community. 

Media Excellence Award. The accolade recognizes exceptional members of the media who have exhibited professionalism, integrity, and dedication in their coverage. The award celebrates their commitment to delivering accurate, insightful, and impactful journalism that has contributed to a deeper understanding of the IT ecosystem. 
During IT Nation Connect, attendees will have the opportunity to vote for various awards, including: 

  • Most Valuable Distributor 
  • Best in Show – Solution Vendor 
  • Most Impactful Breakout   
  • Best Emerging Vendor  

"We are thrilled to introduce the IT Nation Torch Awards, celebrating excellence within the IT community,” said Gregg Lalle, SVP & GM of IT Nation. “These awards aim to recognize the remarkable achievements and contributions of individuals, organizations, and media professionals who have made a significant impact on the industry. We invite all members of the IT community to participate in this exciting awards program and join us in honoring the best and brightest in our industry." 
Nominations for the IT Nation Torch Awards are now open, and winners will be announced and honored at a prestigious awards ceremony during the annual IT Nation Connect conference. 
For more information about the IT Nation Torch Awards, including nomination details and eligibility criteria, please email awards@theitnation.com 

About IT Nation 

The IT Nation is a vibrant and inclusive community that brings together the brightest minds from Managed Solution Providers (MSPs) and IT channel vendors worldwide. Our shared culture, rooted in the Go-Giver philosophy, enables us to harness collective wisdom for mutual growth. Our mission is to empower individuals who align with this worldview by providing purpose-built tools and success frameworks. These resources are designed to help our members define goals, create strategic plans, and execute with precision. At IT Nation, we are dedicated to cultivating an environment where innovation, education, planning, accountability, and celebration serve as the pillars of success. The IT Nation inspires excellence, collaboration fuels advancement, and shared success drives us toward our mission: Wise Together, Rise Together. Learn more at connectwise.com/theitnation.

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About ConnectWise:
ConnectWise is the world's leading software company dedicated to the success of IT solution providers (TSPs) through unmatched software, services, community, and marketplace of integrations. ConnectWise offers an innovative, integrated, and security-centric platform—Asio™—which provides unmatched flexibility that fuels profitable, long-term growth for partners. ConnectWise enables TSPs to drive business efficiency with automation, IT documentation, and data management capabilities and increase revenue with remote monitoring, cybersecurity, and backup and disaster recovery technologies. For more information, visit connectwise.com.