Scale your business with the ConnectWise Partner Program

| By:
Keith Graham

Picture this: It’s an ordinary Tuesday morning when your CEO walks into your office and asks why numbers are flatlining. You try to explain that the market is saturated, and without good sales and marketing tactics, it’s nearly impossible to meet quarterly growth goals. How can you grow your business if you’re constantly putting out fires and managing your current clients?  

Does this sound familiar? As a managed service provider (MSP), it’s your job to manage the security of your clients and their businesses. Yet, with a crowded industry, it can be difficult to stand out from your competition to gain more business—and to say sales and marketing are a challenge would be an understatement.  

Are you prepared to meet growing client demands?  

Your customers depend on you to deliver high-quality services that improve operational efficiencies, protect critical assets, and brighten financial outcomes. Demand for these IT solutions and services isn’t going anywhere soon—except up.  

According to this MSP industry report, small and midsized business (SMB) spending on managed services is expected to grow by 93 billion by 2026. In other words, SMBs already rely on MSPs like yours to evolve and stay one step ahead of their technical needs. Are you ready to support their growing demands? 

If not, don’t worry. It’s more common than not for businesses to have trouble with sales, marketing, and other growth tactics. However, taking advantage of these potential areas for growth and profitability doesn’t have to be so difficult. When effective, MSPs can attract new clients and improve retention and satisfaction among existing ones.  

But of course, we know that taking advantage of this massive market opportunity doesn’t come without its challenges. How can you afford it? Who will help you take on new business? Where will you find resources and materials to support your team?  

The ConnectWise Partner Program is here to help

The ConnectWise Partner Program™ supports ConnectWise partners in achieving their most ambitious vision of success. The program helps businesses of all sizes overcome roadblocks, and it provides the blueprint to build and scale our partners’ MSP businesses.    

Having the right tools in place is integral to protecting your clients and making managed services a sustainable, profitable part of your business. ConnectWise offers a full suite of robust solutions that simplify IT so that you can protect your clients and yourself from incidents and malicious threats. 

These tools put the power in your hands to effectively support your customers. However, before leveraging these tools for your clients, you must first sell them on your managed service offerings. That’s where sales and marketing support from the Partner Program can help.    

New changes to the program

Since 2021, the Partner Program has helped ConnectWise partners reach growth milestones, attain new business, and increase revenue. As MSPs in the channel change and grow, the Partner Program is adapting to those changes, too. Recent changes include:

  • GlassHive Partnership: The Partner Program portal got a facelift by partnering with GlassHive to bring our partners features such as magic branding, an extensive library of marketing content, and sales automation to take their sales and marketing to the next level.
  • Program Tiers: Not all MSPs fit into a specific box, so we’ve reimagined our program tiers to better accommodate where your MSP fits, including a new “Emerging” tier. We consider your Mode, business goals, and current state to best set you up for success.
  • Program Eligibility: The Partner Program is now open to all eligible ConnectWise core products.

What are the benefits of joining the ConnectWise Partner Program? 

The Partner Program was created to help our partners achieve their most ambitious vision of success by investing in their go-to-market strategy, marketing, and sales initiatives.  

Whether you’re just getting started or jumpstarting your business, the ConnectWise Partner Program is here to help you overcome your business roadblocks and scale your business by offering tools and services created with you and your end clients in mind.  

What are the levels of the program?

We offer four levels of our program: Registered, Emerging, Accelerate, and Strategic. All ConnectWise partners qualify to join at the Registered level to grow at their own pace. Registered partners have free access to the ConnectWise University with over 30 courses to learn and elevate your business practices.

Partners must qualify to join at the Emerging, Accelerate, and Strategic levels, where they’ll work with ConnectWise experts who help guide their growth journey. Our new “Emerging Level” is for one-to-many support, which includes weekly dedicated office hours to support partners with their marketing initiatives, whether it’s strategizing emailing tactics, leveraging GlassHive, or planning their next event.

Accelerate level partners have access to all Emerging level benefits and a team of ConnectWise experts to guide their journey to success. These experts include: 

  • An account manager (AM) who serves as your main point of contact in the program. They provide ongoing support and step-by-step sales growth guidance. They’ll work with you and your team to create a business plan, participate in QBRs, and help co-sell to win more deals.  
  • Marketing consultants who create a marketing plan for your business, help you claim MDF funds, and manage campaigns and events.  
  • Subject matter experts (SMEs) who are available to speak at your events and help deliver the “so what” message to clients and prospects through education.  

In addition to the experts available, Emerging, Accelerate, and Strategic level partners receive free NFRs of eligible solutions, marketing funds to jumpstart growth, discounted ConnectWise and industry conference tickets, pricing and packaging support, and more.  

How to get started  

The numbers don’t lie! While ConnectWise Partner Program members generally spend more on marketing and sales expenses, their growth numbers shine through. Partner Program members are 17% more profitable, have 10% higher recurring revenue, and grow four times faster than industry averages.  

If you’re ready to take the leap toward business growth, contact the ConnectWise Partner Program team to get started. We’ll talk you through the details, eligibility, benefits, and more—so you can make the right decision for your business. 

Together, we’ll figure out where you are in your business journey, where you want to be, and how we can help you get there. There’s never been a better time to partner with ConnectWise—so what are you waiting for?
