Building detailed sales quotes is time consuming, potentially costing your sales team hundreds of hours per week. ConnectWise CPQ™ (formerly ConnectWise Sell) brings order building complex quotes and proposals through custom templates, automated sourcing, and seamless PSA integration.

See what ConnectWise CPQ software can
do for you

Focus on sales

Let your sales team be a sales team. Quote templates, automated workflows, and third-party integrations reduce wasted time on manual entry, system updates, data entry, and human errors.

Automate quote building

Say goodbye to piecing together quotes and proposals one line item at a time. Pull and compare pricing from multiple distribution partners, your pricing tables, and customer catalogs in one place, saving you time and sanity.

Create a consistent experience

Timely proposal delivery and presentation quality can affect winning and losing deals. So can the process of quote acceptance to goods delivery. Give a consistent buying experience to your valued customers—who expect nothing less.


Save 2 hours per quote

Building detailed sales quotes is time-consuming, taking away valuable time to sell. Built-in and customizable templates with automated sourcing and a ConnectWise PSA™ integration can save up to two hours per quote, according to Forrester’s “Total Econimic Impact of the ConnectWise Platform.”

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The first true MSP platform

The first true MSP platform Asio is the only platform purpose-built for MSPs. Generative AI and automation are only limited by your imagination when your solutions share a common data layer. Discover next-gen hyperautomation that will carry your business farther and faster with customer satisfaction levels that can push you ahead of the curve in a competitive landscape.

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CPQ features you’ll love

Faster quotes and proposals

Streamline processes with custom templates, real-time pricing integrations, online quote delivery, and e-signature.

Explore quote & proposal features »

Sales notifications

Get real-time intelligent quote tracking and notifications when a client interacts with your quote.

Procurement automation

Combine ConnectWise CPQ and PSA, to place e-orders through your preferred distributor, including automated opportunity conversions.

Renewal reminders

Get notifications to renew an agreement, extend an expired warranty, or upgrade aging equipment.

CRM updates

Keep your entire organization—marketing, sales, support, and finance—up to date automatically.

Pricing rules

Lockdown service discounts and product pricing to maximize profitability and better predict bottom-line revenue.

ConnectWise CPQ Integrations

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